Our Mission

Never stop learning. 
Charter a data, empathy, and wisdom-driven worldview.
Have fun.

Our Principles

  1. Plans change. So we plan for change.
  2. Never stop learning.
  3. Make a positive impact.
  4. We believe in science.
  5. Great improvisation stems from thousands of hours of preparation.
  6. Have empathy and respect all that you do.
  7. Humans are unreliable narrators. Most of us are human.
  8. We are OKR Disciples.
  9. Our first love is music. 
  10. We seek wisdom, in the form of the mastery of many different perspectives. 
  11. We believe in radical transparency.
  12. We always think bigger.
  13. Context might be one of the hardest things. But we’ll try our best. 

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